The presidential win of Donald Trump in the incumbent U.S. elections has once again awakened the silent giant of populism in the world. Its manifestations were already seen in the Indian, UK AND Pakistan general elections, however, populism struck its biggest nail in the heart of the world with the victory of Donald Trump. If history is to witness, Trump in its previous tenure was neither beneficial nor destructive for the world but his policy of, America first, domestic economic reforms and pulling the U.S forces out of multiple wars credited them to stay economic giants despite China’s rise as an economic superpower.
While shedding light upon the present scenario of the world where the Middle East is in turmoil, the Iran – Israel controversy on behest of war and China’s continuous rise and growing alliances in the world will definitely put Trump’s administration to sit , think and act as sensitive as the world is turning out to be.
More importantly, the Palestine issue has raised serious concerns for the international community on humanitarian grounds where large-scale genocide is taking place under the nose of the U.S. and the United Nations. The world at large is continuously persisting to stop this violence and keep this globe peaceful and liveable for the people.
Now what does TRUMP do the world will unveil as soon as it comes into power. His slogans in election campaigns were hopeful and positive but after sitting on the Hot seat of the most powerful president in the world with multiple challenges and complex scenarios ought to be tackled in favour of the state rather than deciding them on humanitarian grounds.
Coming into the ASIAN hot waters where Joe Biden’s administration was never seen on the ground except a state visit to India yet multiple state-owned policy statements regarding Afghanistan and Pakistan’s domestic politics remained on top notch. This continues in the TRUMP regime is a big question however, recent statements from one of the Trump administration’s important personnel on the release of the former premier of Pakistan depict that the U.S. is once again interested in assembly itself on Asian political cum geo-strategic grounds.
Furthermore, the Russia -Ukraine conflict which started during the Biden administration initiated the decades-old rivalry between the two hegemons. A war-like situation arose when the U.S. president called Putin a strayed dog waging wars in the world. Clearly, the U.S immediately supported Vladimir Zelensky with arms and humanitarian support.
Russia faced multiple sanctions from the U.S. and its European allies and continuing. Now, is the time when the RUSSIAN president in its recent statement said it is ready to break peace deal with Ukraine under the diplomatic umbrella of the U.S. new government. This time Trump may surprise the world by nullifying the largest conflict however , this remains a myth until Washington witnesses a presidential ceremony .