Around 400,000 Rohingya Cataclysm Muslims are affected
UN appealed for provision of aid to around 400,000 Rohingya Cataclysm affected Muslims who have fled to neighboring Bangladesh to seek refuge from humanitarian crisis in Rakhine state of Myanmar. Millions of Rohingya Muslims have been made homeless due to military crackdown.
When we met last week there was 125,000 Rohingya refugees who had fled into Bangladesh. That number has now tripled to nearly 380,000,’ said Antonio Guterres.
UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, and UN Security Council urged the government of Myanmar to end the violence. The chief of UN human rights, Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, has named it as ‘ a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.’

Rohingya Muslims aren’t given citizenship by Myanmar government and have always been labeled as immigrants from India and Bangladesh. The Buddhist-majority Myanmar government concentrated the Muslims in Rakhine state which have only a population of 1 million. Since 2012, Rohingya people are facing brutalities and inhuman atrocities of the state and military. They were not provided even the basic rights of humans fully which was being reported for years.
The Myanmar government, however, rejects the violence being carried out in Rakhine state by saying that they are only targeting the terrorists. Moreover, when BBC journalists visited the burnt out village and reported the burning of homes of villagers, the government denied the fact by blaming the villagers for burning their homes themselves. Later on, villagers answered the exact opposite to what government has said.
Latest reports have revealed that around 40 percent of villages have been burnt. Mr. Guterres reported the alleged attacks being carried out by security forces on Rohingya villagers and said that they are entirely unacceptable. Mr Gutterres has called on the international community to end the violence and aid the victims and survivors of cataclysmic situation in Rakhine. He said, “The humanitarian situation it is catastrophic.”
The country’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, will skip the meeting of UN General Assembly as she has to address her nation on TV. Her long silence welcomed huge wave of criticism upon her and her humanitarian and democracy-based ideals.
The Rohingya refugees have recently said that no aid has reached them so far. However, Turkey and other nations have begun to send aids for Rakhine victims and refugees in Bangladesh. The United Nations refugee agency said that not enough of aid is being provided to the Rohingya sufferers who are seeking refuge in Bangladesh.
“Many are staying in makeshift settlements or with those communities who are generously sharing what they have. But women and children are arriving hungry and malnourished,” said Mr. Guterres.
The secretary general condemned the attacks by Arakan Roingya Salvation Army (ARSA), the revolting group fighting back with the military. He suggested that military attacks should be suspended and the refuges should be brought back to where they belong to resolve the matter.