Advocacy is a profession that requires having special personality traits, so if you are thinking about enrolling in the Faculty of Law you may want to find out if you have these personality traits that can make you an excellent lawyer.
Communicative Skills
Communication must operate in two directions: to express clearly and assertively the ideas, instructions and opinions, as well as to get the message to be heard and understood. It is also a leader’s ability to know how to listen and to take into account all the opinions, individual and collective, that reach him.
Enjoy Discussions with Good Arguments
If you are one of the people who enjoy a well-argued discussion then you are on the right track. One of the characteristics that cannot be lacking in any good lawyer is the argumentation. These professionals devote part of their day to exposing their perspectives to whoever is needed.
Negotiation is One of Your Favorite Activities
Negotiating is one of the favorite verbs of every good lawyer. In almost any case agreements between the parties are an essential part of their work. Reason why if you are thinking about dedicating yourself to the world of laws, it is important that you have good bargaining skills that allow you to reach good deals before falling into more cumbersome procedures.
Persuasion is A Skill that Never Fails
Persuasion is another skill that makes a good lawyer. How well you develop this competition can make a difference not only when presenting the case, but also to “convince” the jury of your client’s position. So, if you are thinking about dedicating yourself to this, you’d better start training your persuasiveness.
Create a Good Emotional Armor
Daily lawyers are exposed to many arguments, bad moods and even possible threats and situations that do not have a good emotional armor will be difficult to bear. Those who exercise this career say that having a “thick skin” is key to being a good lawyer and dealing with the stress that comes with each case.
Being able to lead an Excellent Organization
If you stand out for having a good organization of both time and your job, then you are one step closer to being a good lawyer. This profession will force you to spend your days between interviews with clients, daily paperwork, phone calls, appearances, as well as other amount of activities that you must keep organized correctly.
Persistence is another of the Great Virtues
Persistence is another of the great virtues of these professionals. A lawyer is never allowed to surrender. If you want to be successful you must be willing to fight to the end to achieve your goals. This does not mean that you will not fail, but you will have to be prepared to get up as many times as you need.
Success will also depend on Patience
This is a profession that requires much waiting for the courts, courts, and other actors in the legal system. If you do not want to fall into despair you must exercise your patience to learn to wait for hours, weeks and even months before a resolution comes out.
He is aware that his position in the group gives him power, and he knows how to use it to benefit the group. It is not selfish; Uses its position to activate potential processes and energize.
Have a Dose of Aggressiveness Well Understood
Courts do not need boxers or violent people, but lawyers with well-understood aggressiveness. It is clear that every client wants to have a determined, determined lawyer who works with agility and who is willing to face all the obstacles that are necessary to achieve its objectives.