Social Networking
We are living in the booming era of social networking. It has potential to transform any business. Social networking is changing how legal professionals novice do job hunt, network, locate and discredit witnesses, manage their careers and interact with clients. Twitter LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube helping lawyers and legal professionals reach a large number of audiences and accomplish branding, advertising and client development goals. It also reducing the four generation workflow: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y gap. With this phenomena now a days professionals keep their working flow or even extend beyond their retirement age.
Legal Process Outsourcing
Go beyond limitations. It is possible now even in legal consultancy. With this frame work, any law firm / corporation can obtain legal support services remotely. When the LPO provider is based on another country, it is called offshoring. Offshore LPO involve any legal practice except where the presence of legal consultant is necessary, e.g, face to face meeting or appearance in court. You can offer most common services with phenomena like legal research and writing, document review, drafting of pleadings and briefs and patent services. Onshore LPO is when you are in the same country. In this case you can make your physical availability. Both offshore and onshore LPO is reshaping law practice for law firms or individually. For legal corporate departments is surely reduce cost, blow in-house capabilities and with increasing flexibility of work.
Virtual Law Firms
Powerful technology, smartest tools and fastest communication channels offers legal consultants to work together virtually from anywhere. Virtual law offices provides an another possible choice for practicing legal services and permit flexible working hours, anytime from anywhere. This is one of the greatest technology benefits in today’s busy life for professionals to manage between their work life and other activities. These virtual law form increasing the concept of Globalization collaborating with foreign counsel and forming intercontinental unification, erasing traditional boundaries on the geographic scope of law practice.
“Green Law”
In response to global warming, a new concept rapidly growing and emerging in almost every field of life “go green”. Going green becoming a global priority so under this economic pressure the eco-conscious clients and legal professionals around the globe are establishing green actions that cut expenses, reduce their carbon footprint and promote social responsibility. Environmental laws is fast growing area these days and legal professionals introducing new tactics to provide awareness in society. Environmental laws cover a broad range of activities that affect air, water, land, flora or fauna. Off course technology makes it possible to make and implement these laws and uncover any illegal activity.
Legal Freelance Work
Working from home: Flexible schedules, better work-life balance and greater autonomy are are some of the benefits in freelance business. Many careers in the legal industry lend themselves to freelance work, including lawyers, paralegals, court reporters, legal secretaries, litigation support personnel, legal nurse consultants and even law students. Legal Freelancing is the best choice for newbies who want to start their legal career and those professionals who want to grow their income and want remote work.