White house says Philippines’ Duterte is invited by Trump to Washington. An invitation to the White House took place, during a phone call between president Trump of America and president Duterte of Philippines. The White House didn’t give information on the exact date of the meeting, but it said in a statement that the concerns over North Korea were part of the conversation as well.
Trump expressed that he is looking forward to visit the Philippines in November as a part of two summits with other Asian nations.
Around June, a war on drugs was initiated under the power of president Duterte. More than 7,000 people were killed, including 2,000 from the police department.
But after the kidnapping incident of a South Korean Business man Ick-joo, which ended in death after strangulation by the police, the war on drugs was suspended by the government. President Duterte said his apologies, expressed his embarrassment and accused the police of corruption.