Google Got Ruled By Canada’s Supreme Court to Put Global Ban on Specific Search Results
Google has been directed to block some company’s website on Wednesday according to an order upheld by Canada’s Supreme Court based on copyrights violation. A tech company named Equustek Solution Inc. primarily filed the case against Datalink Technology GateWays, the corporate websites, for infringement in terms of copyright laws by re-labeling as well as selling of Equustek product without permission. In 2012, the tech company, Equustek, requested Google to remove all search results -which include around 300 pages that are linked with Datalink-till the case gets resolved. Google removed search results solely from Canadian search engine.
The SC of British Columbia further sided with Equustek by ordering Google to cease from displaying Datalink’s search results globally.
Google presented its argument as cutting down Datalink’s global reach will be unnecessary as it surpasses values based on freedom of expression. The SC of Canada has rejected its argument in its ruling:
“This is not an order to remove speech that, on its face, engages freedom of expression values, we have not, to date, accepted that freedom of expression requires the facilitation of the unlawful sale of goods.”
The Australian Federal Court in last April passed an order to 6 Internet service suppliers to hand down informations about every alleged illegal downloader from Dallas Buyer’s Club. In 2012, Spain’s government approved of a law to create government funded agency that will be authorized to force Internet suppliers to block any websites that’s involved in pirating or plagiarizing copyright materials.
Canadian group involved in campaigns for open communication, the OpenMedia opposed the ruling as the order calls for greater risk of pirating materials that are copyrighted as it justifies content disappearance somewhere in another part of the globe.
The order of Supreme Court of Canada against Google’s banning of Datalink websites only in Canada but not globally, holds validation to the extent that it’ll drop risk of copyright violation around the globe and promote original products and content. In opposition, the case hasn’t been resolved yet which makes Datalink websites highly at risk of million dollars loss so cutting down their reach globally would mean shutting down their whole setup.