A Kashmiri Activist showing victory sign
When we speak about human rights these are all the fundamental rights and freedom that concerns to every person in the world in their full life time. These apply to every human without the discrimination of region, religion and life style. They can never be taken away as far as someone is not guilty by some other rules of law. Human rights are not just an abstract concept – these are very clearly defined by laws.
Let’s be specific here about freedom. One of its dictionary meanings is: the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved which clearly not understood by some states like India Israel. We are living in the 21st century. We are getting modernized by every mean of life and we are improving our life day by day very rapidly. Each country in the world and each person in the country have right to improve their life style without harming others. We should do respect to other‟s freedom as fas as they didn‟t break any law.
But if we take a look about the world around us today, it can be clearly seen that someone, somewhere didn‟t respect to others freedom. If you are powerful does it means you have the authority to smash the weaks just for your interest…? Can someone justify this statement by any law in the world…? It is absolutely un-justifiable. No powerful have the right to blow down the weak.
How can someone improve its life by destroying others…? Same for countries around the globe. Peace can never be created by violation of basic human rights in the form of occupation.

The Initiation of Occupation
At least five categories of major violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law characterize the occupation: forced displacement, restrictions on movement, unlawful killings, abusive detention and development of settlements. Occupation always creates unrest. If a country forcefully occupies another country by their military power, they are directly producing terrorism. Proof for this fact can be clearly seen in Indian occupied Kashmir and Jerusalem and Gaza of Palestine Occupied by Israel.
“India mother of terrorism in South Asia, India is using terrorism as a state policy” Maleeha Lodhi tells UN. at the UN General Assembly session held in New York. Jammu and Kashmir was not a part of India and was recognized by the United Nations and the international community as „disputed” territory‟. As Lodhi said “I invite all of you, and the Indian FM, to look at the UN maps,”. India‟s military occupation of the State was illegal as the UN Security Council had decided in many resolutions, that the dispute must be resolved by enabling the people of Jammu and Kashmir to determine their own destiny through a UN-supervised plebiscite. But India had launched a campaign of inhumanity inside Kashmir — including the shooting and blinding of innocent Kashmiri children with pellet guns just like Israel doing in Palestine.
But both of these countries militant occupation does not stop the Kashmiri and Palestinians to demand their free, independent countries; the blithely right of all mankind.
India also trying to produce unrest in Pakistan too since 1947 in from of two wars which are started by india. The very recent development is the confessed of involving in the terrorist activities by indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav. He very clearly mentioned that India is responsible for financing and carrying out destructive activities, especially in Balochistan and Karachi. Eight Indian ‘undercover operatives’ posted as diplomats in Islamabad were found in Nov 2016 to allegedly be involved in subversive activities, including attempts to disrupt CPEC and create fear and chaos in the country. They were also alleged to be building a network of informants within Pakistan and fabricating evidence for tarnishing the country‟s image abroad. Ceasefire violations on the Line of Control are another indian shameful act by targeting innocent Pakistani frequently.
At UN general assembly Dr. Maleeha Lodhi clears the government intuitions that Pakistan wants resolution of all outstanding issues through talks if India give up the policy of terrorism and show their interest to resolve the issues with table talk.
The other threat to human rights in Asia is Israel. Israeli authorities have imprisoned thousands of Palestinians since 1967, the majority after trials in military courts. Israel also jails West Bank and Gaza Palestinian detainees inside Israel, creating restrictions on family visits and violating international law requiring that they be held within the occupied territory. Many captive, including children face mistreatment and cruality by Israel armed forces.
For the last 25 years, Israel has tightened restrictions on the movement of people and goods to and from the Gaza. These restrictions affect every aspect of everyday life including restricting access to medical care and educational and economic opportunities, and producing unemployment and poverty. Seventy percent of Gaza‟s 1.9 million people rely on humanitarian assistance.
Palestinians have been forced for exclusion by Israeli armed forces and for this they are doing nearly every cruelty. Kashmir was handed over from an unpopular ruler without the legitimacy of popular vote to the Indian state on October 26, 1947. Israel and India thus launch the colonial occupations of Palestine and Kashmir. United Nations (UN) in 1948 promised both the peoples of Palestine and Kashmir for self determination but Palestine have not yet attained their state and the Kashmiris have not yet had their opportunity to vote on their preference to become part of India or part of Pakistan.