Author - Shahzaib Amin Malik

Mr. Malik is the Managing Editor of Global Legal Review and a lawyer by profession. He is known as a speaker and extra technical skills in the field of law. He has shown a different view to the legal world and brought a diversified change in legal profession through his analysis and research in different fields of law. He is currently working on few of the biggest legal projects in the world which will bring value in the legal field globally.

types of cyber attacks
Legal Tech

Cyber Attacks

As a mirror has two sides to it, crimes related to technology have also increased. As much as the technology is progressing, so are the crimes that...

Interpol World 2017

Interpol World 2017

“INTERPOL World is a unique opportunity for law enforcement and industry to build partnerships for developing innovative solutions to the global...

suits season cast

Review: SUITS

Media has always included the law field in glamour. In the form of movies, music videos, talk shows and especially television series. Over the...

donald trump accused of violation of Emolument Clause
Legal News

Trump Violated Emolument Clause

‘Trump violated Emolument Clause’ claimed Attorneys of Maryland and Washington, D.C. President Donald Trump has been alleged in lawsuit for violation...